You've reached the hub for a collection of blogs from the greatest place on earth - Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada! This list of nearly 500 blogs includes spaces from people currently living in the Province, and also those from here but currently living away.
I have been photographing ice since I bought my first 35 mm camera in 1970
and I am sharing pictures in my Ice 6 Facebook Album. I enjoy l...
Posts from AADES for 03/16/2025
An item for my readers down under. AADES News feed from the AADES feed
Excerpts: AADES 2024 Report and What’s Ahead for 2025 The AADES Council met
in NSW l...
What I've Been Up To The Last Four Days
We had it very foggy with wild wind and pouring rain here in our corner of
Ontario this weekend. There was a fog and rainfall warning -there are
always ...
Vancouver T100 Entry Give-Away!
Triathlon NL is happy to advise that one member of Triathlon NL who enters
the Vancouver T100 (100km or Sprint), scheduled for the this June, will
Some pictures from February and March
Winter has been pretty decent this year: lots of snow, lots of ice, and
lots of frozen beauty. Since none of the trails I like to walk in summer
are open i...
Bakery Style Blueberry Muffins
[image: Bakery Style Blueberry Muffins close up of baked muffin still in
the pan]Bakery Style Blueberry Muffins. Big, moist, perfectly baked
blueberry mu...
Spring Into Affordable Wine
As much as I love the extra hour in the evening, I hate it when the clocks
change. It fools me up. And losing an hour this weekend, is harder on this
old b...
Why I Love Crypto Faucets
It's certainly not because of some wild belief that I'm going to get rich
quick clicking these buttons, but there is something to the earning for the
The Phoenix Crown, by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang
This is the second novel I’ve read set against the backdrop of the San
Francisco Earthquake of 1906 (the first was The Nature of Fragile Things,
by Susan M...
Episode 146 - Hearts and Minds
Streamed live on Feb 24th, 2025.
We find out how to win over hearts using Minds tonight with Bill Ottman,
the founder and CEO of
Watch on / Subs...
Floral Illustration....
This little image is my first one for 2025, and is somewhat belated, due to
the fact that Covid paid me a visit the day after last Boxing Day. It
*We had a LOT of snow and I was captivated by the melting centre of the
window, itself shaped like a tree.*
Andrew wrote about the losses of those we lo...
Outdoor Watercolour at Joshua Farm Gallery
Hello all! It’s been quite a while since I offered any classes or
workshops. Five long years, as a matter of fact. That’s about to change as
I’ll be teachi...
Getting Started in 2025
Embarking on a career in Business Analysis (BA) in 2025 offers a dynamic
and rewarding journey, given the evolving landscape of technology and
business pra...
February? Ok, sure.
I’ve been seeing a lot of jokes on Facebook lately about how long January
felt. I don’t usually find January that long. It’s February that gets me.
But I’m...
SOTB (State of the Blog) and The New Project
I’ve been blogging since summer of 2005, meaning I’ve been at this almost
twenty years. My online logorrhoea has spanned two blogs—initially, An
Ontarian i...
Proof of Life: 55
Cake, a 16-year-old Scotch and a *Fantasia* shirt.
A solid birthday overall.
So here I am, 55 and yet not free. It's like those commercials lied to me,
Tony Murray has been part of the Canadian music industry for many years.
Not as a musician, but as a producer. And by all accounts, he’s one of the
best. I...
Best Books of 2024
Every year since 2006, I’ve posted a list of some of my favourite books
I’ve read in that year. Sometimes it’s a Top Ten, ranked, sometimes a Top
Twelve or...
Caramel Pretzel Turtle Treats
*[image: A pile of Caramel Pretzel Turtle Treats. Some with pecans, some
with walnuts and some with peanut M&Ms.]A tasty sweet and salty treat for
the hol...
A Fall Trip Around the Cabot Trail
When the Celtic Colours Festival schedule was released, I immediately
looked at it to seeif there were any community events I could attend on my
days off...
Thinking out loud.
If there is anything I could be accused of and humbly agree with, it is,
and has always been, overthinking. For far too long I have spent days and
nights ...
Thoughts on turning 42
I know 42 isn’t considered one of the “big” birthdays, but for some reason,
it’s always felt like a milestone to me. I couldn’t tell you why. It’s not
a ni...
Great Awk Winery and Restaurant, Twillingate
Great Awk Winery and Restaurant, 29 Durrell Street, Twillingate, NL,
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador This summer has been very hectic, plenty
on the go i...
Labrador Day 10: We Made it Back to Cartwright
Our kayaks at our last camp before paddling to Cartwright this morning from
North River. What a time we had! Ten days of amazing experiences paddling
from ...
2024 George Street Festival Lineup
The 2024 George Street Festival runs Aug 1 through August 7 in St. John’s!
Here’s the lineup: Thursday, August 1 The Reklaws Justin Fancy Friday,
August ...
From a recent project we worked on with the Irish Ambassador to Canada
Eamonn McKee and the Irish Embassy in Ottawa. Visitors admire a sculpture
of childre...
*Peter E*
Pete staggers to the hammock. Another trying day with ungrateful tars and
scallywags. Two small sloops bound from Jamaica and all the ru...
How We Got Concussions So Wrong
Isobel Whitcomb is a trail runner, a writer and a science journalist who,
what's most relevant to this podcast, wrote an excellent article about
their ex...
Go see the Total Eclipse of the Sun
On April 8 2024, only ten days away, a Total Eclipse of the Sun will sweep
over North America. On this long-awaited Eclipse Day, the Path of Totality
is wh...
Newfoundland Winter Bird List 2023-24
The calendar tells us that winter birding “officially” ended a week ago
(Feb 29) … even if the weather has something very different to say. Unless
I missed...
More Mushkin Match!
The game is starting to accumulate little bits of goodness – a prettier
tile face here, a special effect there, and I’m really pleased with how
it’s coming...
Who Will Benefit Most from Debt Management Plans?
Being in debt can feel like you're trapped in a sunken ship without an
escape route. But don't worry; there's help available. This help is called
a Debt ...
What to Eat this week..
I cannot believe its the tail end of September!!
My meal planning has been severely lacking 😭
I stopped by Superstore today and grabbed some fresh fruit...
Measure of a … Man?
For some reason I just had a vivd memory of our old yardstick. I recall it
being stored in the little closet in our porch (previously...
2023 Marks Ten Years of Problematic Press
Although it has been a wild journey, it's almost difficult to imagine that
Problematic Press has been publishing titles for just over 10 years now.
Throw Back Thursday
So about 120 years ago, my house had an extra floor and servants quarters,
the shop didn’t have my office and press room built on yet, and there was
an ice...
Kitchen Update
If you are interested in our kitchen renovation, click on over to my website's
other blog post. Here's the new backsplash, countertop and a partial view
Ten Years: A Letter to My Past Self
Dear sweet, innocent, past self, You will not believe where life has taken
us and what life has taken from us. If I stood in front of you today, my
most i...
The Quebec based icebreaker, the Des Groseilliers has been in St. John's
almost a month, anyone know whats going on
The ship is 322 feet, and was built in...
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
I guess a measure that a song is a classic is its ability to be adapted to
different genres. I love what King Curtis did with his sax in covering
Frank Loe...
Clarenville's 2023 Budget
* Video Slide Show*
*Budget Summary*
The Town of Clarenville
has seen increased expenses in three areas Inflation, Interest and
Need Portraits and Headshots? We come to you!
I've been going into businesses to do portraits and headshots at their
place of work for about 15 years now. Over that time I've put together a
kit which...
I Am Enough.
Content Warning: body image issues, eating disorders, internalized ableism.
I am enough. That’s a sentence I’m trying so hard to embrace and to
believe. I’...
Slàinte Mhaith
Now that the scorching dry dearth-inducing summer in my little corner of
Newfoundland with record-breaking high temperatures has come to a close,
New website coming soon!
As I look at my previous post, it is clear that I have not kept up with
posting STBT episodes. There are several more available on my youtube
channel. I ...
Untitled AF
Just in case anyone was curious, I’ll Keep Coming by Low Roar is my
personal anthem song (though Introdiction by Scroobius Pip, All Eyes On Me
by Bo Burnha...
Sinking of the SS Caribou
The night of October 13, 1942 the SS *Caribou* left Sydney, Nova Scotia
bound for Port aux Basque, Newfoundland. It was to be the last voyage the
Thank You Corner Brook
A huge thank you to everyone who supported me during my campaign and who
helped to make this happen.I appreciate all the help, advice, support and
Snow Ball | Vee 27.5 x 4.0 Studdable Tire
Just in time for Eurobike 2021, the folks at Vee Tire released their most
recent fat bike tire called the Snow Ball.
Using a tread pattern based on their...
My 9/11
Everyone remembers where they were on 9/11. I was working in Jasper,
Alberta, overnight, as a security officer with a hotel. In the last hour of
work, myse...
Price changes for Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
Hi to all,
Here’s what I have for this week’s price changes:
*Heating, stove oil and Diesel all show an increase of 1.8 cents a litre.
End of March Reading List
Paper towns by John Green. 4/5. Loved it. I've read lots of his books, and
they are so nice to read. His characters are in high school and really
How to visit New York City on a budget
Today I’ve got a guest post from Matt Kepnes of Nomadic Matt—my former
boss! Matt’s take on budget travel is always awesome, and he knows New York
City l...
Find the new Bond Papers
We've moved to
Read for free, sign-up for email delivery, or subscribe and get special
content on politics and history in Newfo...
Postcard #2713 - USA
This postcard was sent to me from Boston, MA. It's a cute art card saying
"Greetings from the Moon" - a clever take on the classic "Greetings from"
Hello, I'm Jess and the purpose of this blog is to maintain my sanity as I
try to make roots in my new home in St. John's, NL! I do love myself a
blog, b...
Seen black cat
Seen a black cat just off topsail road new road from team gushue. It was
about 400 ft before the lights . it was just sitting there looking at the
hill. ...
Cauliflower and Chanterelle Salad with Simple Sauce
Thanks to my Roots Farm NL Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) basket
that shows up like Christmas every Thursday from July to November, I get
food items...
The first time John Crosbie went silent
HEADLINE: Snip, snip
By Ryan Cleary
The Fighting Newfoundlander
Published in The Independent newspaper,
Jan. 25, 2008
I already miss John Crosbie, and...
19 for 2019 – Being Virginia (part 1)
Last year, I decided to try and set some goals by taking on #19for2019 as
described by Gretchen Ruben and Elizabeth Craft in episode 250 of the
podcast Hap...
Remembrance Day
A Call to Arms - Remembrance Day
*Arm yourself with peace in order that we can remember their sacrifice.*
*Arm yourself with courage so you may do what's ...
Paddling in the lun
Sunday the forecast was windy; 17 knots west gusting to 23 knots. We are
blessed with outstanding ocean scenery but cursed by topography. The
A Little Excuse
The young girl is confused.
She thought she was prepared for this. She felt prepared. She knows that
decisions such as this are really, really important....
Read Our Lips
On October 3rd, the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association - Newfoundland and
Labrador (CHHA-NL) launched a brand new self-paced online learning course
Matriarchs of September 11
My uncle Earl used to say there was one meal a day served at my Grandmother
Collins’ home. “It starts at 7 am…..” was his punchline. It was true.
People ca...
Lassy Bun Muffins with Blueberries
Labour Day Monday on the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, was GORGEOUS! My
husband and I hopped over to Brigus and did the Lighthouse Walking Trail. A
6km m...
Dorian the Explorer
Hurricane Dorian....
Ever since the forecasts shifted away from a direct hit on Florida and eyed
Newfoundland there has been building anticipation for th...
2019 - Post 14 - Cupcake Tripping
On the weekend past five of us decided to do a little overnight kayak trip
to Great Colinet Island. I checked my log-book and the last time I was
there wa...
Recent Sightings
To me, this is the best time of the year to walk and explore. With an open
mind and open eyes scanning up and down and all around... all at the same
Finishing up Bauline to Pouch Cove
After landing at Cripple Cove from Bauline on Saturday in hot humid
temperatures I slept like a log and woke Sunday morning ready to finish our
hike. F...
How to Lower Your Bounce Rate in Google Analytics
Build it, and they will come. When referring to website visitors this
mantra may (or may not) be true, but that’s only part of the story. What
truly matt...
My take on 2019 St. John's Pride
Well, I stayed away from the Pride Parade in St. John's for 6 years in a
row now. it's unfortunate that I don't feel welcome or comfortable to
attend with ...
Kid's Run for Nature
Interested in running and helping out our planet?
Come out for the Kid's Run for Nature! World Wildlife Fund Canada's Kids'
Run for Nature is a 1 kilometre...
So you want to talk about mental health
Have you caught that show on cable lately about mental health and the chick
doing the interviews is like mentally ill? Not like sittin naked in the
bath tu...
I like to think we are paddling down the shore when paddling on the south
coast of Newfoundland but locals call it "up the shore".....Tony right
behind y...
Sci-Fi on the Rock
Hi folks,
Last weekend myself and Mandi attended, and hosted an event and panel at
this years Sci-Fi on the Rock for our Welcome to Deadhouse Goosebumps bo...
Maritime Archaic Reproductions for Port au Choix
Bird headed pins made from caribou long bones
and needles made from bird bones and caribou ribs. This is a set of
reproductions that I recently completed ...
Beginnings, middles and ends
Paintings are almost like books or films with predictable processes - and
unpredictable results.
They have a beginning where I have an idea, some thum...
Lamenting the Black-headed Gulls of St.John's
Black-headed Gull is a nice bird to see in North America. Though, not
outstandingly rare, it is appreciated wherever it turns up. While it is an
extremely ...
Disclosure delayed (V)
February 2019 is now nearly half over.
At Elections NL, there is still no sign of any political finance disclosure
for calendar year 2017, nor for any by-e...
It has been quite a while since I have posted on this blog. But recent
events have prompted me to return.
Below you will find excerpts I have lifted from a...
Exciting 2019 news!
With the start of a new year, I have taken an adventurous leap off the Yarn
Cove wharf and I have launched a Yarn Cove Facebook page. Now that Yarn
Cove ...
Winter Classes!
Myself and Jason had so much fun teaching last fall, we’re at it again!
Here are our winter class offerings; if anything tickles your fancy, please
email m...
Reality in Advertising
If you’re in marketing, you’ve probably heard the phrase unique selling
proposition (USP), even if it was 20 years ago in marketing 1001. The term
was coin...
A Personal Note
When I started this website six years ago, the kind of excitement for craft
beer in this province we now have would have seemed impossible. I started
this ...
The Darkness and the Light
Their program nearly over, the student teachers settled in and waited for
the start of their last class. All in eager anticipation; careers set to
begin, y...
So, When Does The Struggle End?? Anyone Know?
Why???? Why did I weigh today? Sigh, actually no, *enormous sigh* I feel
like I have been on a bit of a downward spiral for a few months now. I
found out t...
High winds make for high seas
We have had exceptionally high winds recently, and it sure is evident when
looking at the ocean.
I went over to Middle Cove Beach this evening to take a fe...
Lemon Poppyseed Scones (Vegan) Revised
In the two and a half years since I posted the original recipe for this,
I’ve made substantial changes, and just realized that I hadn’t posted the
vegan ve...
Been so long
2013!!!!! OMG that is a long time ago, and it was the last time I blogged
anything. Except for when I found this site called bubblews, which was a
sort of ...
The Canadian Press
A Montreal pooch is about to return home from a shocking, unscheduled,
4,500 kilometre journey that over the last year allowed her to see more of
Canada t...
Macular Degeneration Market Research Study
BluStar Consulting, an independent marketing research firm is conducting a
Market Research Study with patients living in Canada that have been
diagnosed ...
The Mountains or the Ocean
No blinds mask the window that directly face my bed. Every morning when my
eyes open to the world, there are no concrete buildings or telephone wires
in m...
Brigus to Cupids-My New Fav!
I spent a good hour yesterday on good earth trying to find a spot I had
never been that looked like a fun place to paddle. Around the head of
Brigus look...
Big Things in 2018?
I'm nearing the finish line with my fabulous Yarn Quest 2017 "Heroes of
Yarnia" scarf. I was keeping up with the MKAL but then something went awry
with my ...
Merry Christmas!!!
Hi Everyone!
Wishing all my friends and readers a very Merry Christmas!
Celebrating the baby that was born to die for you and me! May we all not
Digital sketchwalk in Apple Kurfürstendamm
A lot of people came to my sketch safari (Zeichensafari in German) to the
Apple Store Kurfürstendamm, Berlin. This was part of a collaboration
between ...
This blog is splitting into two!
You may have noticed that this blog was offline for some time. In the
process of recovering it, I have decided to split this blog into two parts.
The fi...
The Race Is On
The Race is on
By: Ryan Young
The writ has officially been dropped and the by-election to replace Steve
Kent’s vacant seat in the House of Assembly for t...
Oceanside 70.3
“Sometimes You Kick and Sometimes You Get Kicked”. Last Saturday at
Oceanside 70.3 (half Ironman), I experienced both. I crossed the finish
line first in m...
what i did last summer
I spent 3 weeks last summer riding with Scott (of Porcelain Rocket fame)
and Tony (with his own kind of fame) all around the island. Our route
consisted o...
And The Winner Is… Waking Ambrose
Let’s start this with a down note. I am so far from my writing goal it’s
approaching depression. When I started this most recent count down I
expected to...
Ideas + 1
For the next installment of my short series on ideas to make NL a better
place to live I thought I should explain the two types or levels of ideas
that I l...
Digital Freedoms – “My camera is my weapon”.
Originally posted on Amnesty ICM 2013:
Panic Button is an app designed for smart phones that sends out a GPS
distress signal if activated. (c) Amnesty Inte...
Favourite tracks of 2013
These are a few songs released or reissued in 2013 that I enjoyed. Find the
mix here.
Ensemble Pearl – Ghost Parade (S/T)
Xander Harris – Karakuri (Chrys...
Beothuk facts?
Many people in Newfoundland and Labrador believe they have a good
understanding of the Beothuk. Yet there is still a great deal of
misinformation about the...